Business Consulting
Business/IT Strategy, BPR/BPI, GovernanceFollowing the team’s experiences in private business, government and corporate environments, Timmut Connect has built competency in the last 17 years to render consulting services on
- Business & IT strategy formulation,
- Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
- Business Process Improvement (BPI)
- Business and System Analysis
- Enterprise Architecture Solutions
- Systems and application audit
- Business Process Mapping
- Contract Management Solutions
Benefits With Our Service
A comprehensive but well documented approach is used when conducting projects of the nature highlighted above. When delivering on the above, we believe in understanding the client’s environment through a variety of means including workshops, detailing the business operating model, designing the business solutions including throughput rates determination, testing the solution before implementation and finally provide support after a successful implementation. Continuous Improvement (CI) work is normally carried out during the support period.